
Monday, June 12, 2017

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Free Writing

Slovakian Cliffs

The wind was violently blowing as a tall young man was staring to the dry dusty surface nearby a cliff. The young man’s name is Alberto. About 2 years ago this man discovered what many others have… Pain. He lost his precious mama as he would say, now every day he preys to his mama up in the sky he know’s she will answer to his blessing the more he tries. Now he has a family of 3 he has a Wife and 2 young children the Wifes Name was Roseamendas and two young sons one is 4 and his name is Jeff and the other 10 and his name is John. He lives in a 2 storey townhouse and has a very luxury Rolls Royce and shiny key that belongs to his mama secret chest that she wished for him to have, His mama told him to open it when she sadly passed away so at this day he decided to open this magical property to him he slowly opened it, it cracked and one of the hinges snapped he slowly reached in and found a gold brick he admired it for a second and put on the ground he reached in again and found an old music box he wound it up and it played its favorite song superfly he on his rocking chair and listen all day until rose amanda's got home from her work and slowly they both enjoyed what there had gained in their cash balances but most of all he wishes his mama could still see this.